Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What's safer: Individual bonds or funds?

A common misconception is that bond funds are more exposed to interest-rate risk than laddered individual bond portfolios. The truth is that they have identical exposure.

The logic for the standard view basically starts and ends with the observation that an investor can hold individual bonds to maturity while bond funds don't necessarily hold all bonds until they mature. Most bond fund managers trade their assets periodically.

Because you can hold individual bonds until they come due, as the conventional logic goes, it doesn't matter if their prices go up or down in the interim. But if you compare laddered individual bond portfolios and bond funds with similar-maturity holdings, you run virtually the same risk if rates change. Yet the incorrect viewpoint is all too common and can lead investors to take excessive interest rate risk in individual bond portfolios without understanding the implications.

When interest rates change, so does the price of your bond. Bond prices and rates move inversely. The great fear of bond investors is that rates go up and the value of their portfolio diminishes. If they sell their old bonds to buy higher-yielding paper, they take a loss.

For that reason, many smart investors construct a bond ladder. This is a collection of bonds that mature at regular intervals, so when one portion matures, you can invest it easily in issues paying higher rates.

To illustrate my point, I compare the returns and volatility of a laddered bond portfolio with a hypothetical bond fund portfolio. My laddered bond portfolio allocates equal investment dollars to bonds maturing from one through 10 years. At the end of each year, the portfolio effectively invests the proceeds from the one-year bond that matured into a 10-year bond and repeats this process each and every year. This is a good proxy for how bond ladders are actually constructed in practice.

Separately, I construct a bond fund portfolio using three-, five- and 10-year bonds, with this portfolio construc! ted to match the duration and convexity of my laddered bond portfolio. Duration and convexity are the two primary measures of the interest rate risk in a fixed-income portfolio. Duration gauges the sensitivity of a bond to rate moves; the higher a bond's duration, the more rate shifts affect its price. Convexity measures how duration changes as rates do.

Each year, my bond fund portfolio reallocates among its three choices to match the duration and convexity of the laddered bond portfolio. Note that none of the positions in this second portfolio ever mature.

If laddered bonds are truly safer than bond funds, these two portfolios should have significantly different risk-adjusted returns. I calculated the average annual returns and volatility – quantified by a number called standard deviation – of both portfolios from 1993 through 2013.

The average returns for the laddered bond and bond fund portfolios are 6.4% and 6.5% respectively. The average volatility is 6.5% for both portfolios. This is the longest data set available.

As the data show, the returns and volatility are virtually identical. At the end of the day, that's basically all that matters.

Note, however, that individual bonds can still have advantages relative to bond funds. It's just that those potential advantages have nothing to do with individual bond portfolios having less interest rate risk than bond funds. I covered the potential advantages and considerations in a previous article.

For both the bond ladder portfolio and the hypothetical bond fund portfolio, I used Barclay's Capital Interest Rate Swap Index series. These are zero-coupon securities that are very analogous to zero-coupon Treasury bonds. The reason I like to use this data is that this is a very liquid fixed income market and data are available for maturities ranging from one-year to 30-year securities in one-year increments.

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Jared Kizer is the director of investment strategy for The Bam Alliance and is a member of the AdviceIQ Adviser Network, which is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news and commentary. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Your 50s: The Time to Get Serious About Retirement Planning

Retirement Time Coming Soon and Planning on Clock Shutterstock/kentoh So you're 50. It's better than you feared. It's better still if you're serious about your retirement savings. Indeed, pre-retirees are often positioned to fund their nest eggs as never before. Why? One or more of your kids may be out of the house, which frees up disposable income; your take-home pay may be at its peak; and you're now eligible to supersize your savings with higher tax-deferred contribution limits. "There's a lot you can do in your 50s to build up that war chest," said Christopher Olsen, a certified financial planner with Ameriprise Platinum Financial Services. The Internal Revenue Service allows those over age 50 to make additional catch-up contributions of $5,500 to their 401(k), 403(b), SARSEP or governmental 457(b), above and beyond the $17,500 annual limit for all taxpayers. Married couples who filed jointly and are both older than 50 may put a combined $11,000 extra into their accounts. Those with a traditional Individual Retirement Account may contribute an extra $1,000 ($2,000 for married filers) beyond the standard $5,500 annual limit ($11,000 for married filers), but you may not be able to deduct all of your contribution if you also participate in a retirement plan at work. Additionally, those with a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees IRA or SIMPLE 401(k) plan may contribute an extra $2,500 a year. Married filers over age 50 may contribute an extra $5,000. Higher Tax Bracket, Bigger Benefit "If you're married and you and your spouse both make catch-up contributions to your 401(k)s or IRAs, you can save a good chunk of money," Olsen said. For example, assuming you start catch-up contributions to your 401(k) at age 50, with an 8 percent annual rate of return, you would have amassed a savings of $667,661 by age 65. By comparison, if you make only the standard $17,500 contribution per year starting at age 50, you would have $508,003-about $160,000 less. Another upside to being 50 and at the top of your earnings game is that your contributions to a tax-deferred account will likely benefit you more now than they did when you were 20, says certified financial planner Ken Waltzer, founder and president of Kenfield Capital Strategies. "Many of my clients in their 50s are in the highest tax rate, which makes retirement saving even more attractive," he said, noting independent contractors and small-business owners can significantly reduce their taxable income. Self-employed individuals and small-business owners over age 50, for example, who defer the maximum $57,500 per year to their Solo 401(k) ($17,500 in employee contributions, $5,500 for catch-up contributions, and $34,500 in employer contributions) can save $20,125 in federal taxes, he said. Sidestepping Landmines When you reach your 50s, of course, there are plenty of financial landmines that could dent your savings. You may, for example, find yourself part of the "sandwich generation," providing often costly care to aging parents while still supporting your children. A recent MetLife study found the proportion of adult children providing personal care and/or financial assistance to a parent has more than tripled over the past 15 years, with a quarter of adult children, mainly baby boomers, providing care to a parent. For those age 50 and older who leave the labor force early to care for an aging parent, the cost of providing that care averages $303,880 when you factor in lost wages, lost Social Security benefits and the negative impact on pensions, according to the study. That's some serious coin. Your Parents' Finances, Plans Thus, it's important to talk openly with your parents about their financial position and plans, said Matthew Saneholtz, a certified financial planner with Tobias Financial Advisors. "Be sure your parents have an estate plan in place and long-term care coverage, or at least a picture of their final stages of life, because it might affect you," he said. "If you know your parents don't have the money to pay for care on their own, are you willing to use your own savings to help them? Will they rely on Medicaid? Will you take care of them in your own home? These are questions you need to think about, as they could become your dependents." On the other end of the spectrum, a frank financial discussion with your parents is equally important if you expect to receive an inheritance, Saneholtz said. They may share details about the estate they plan to leave behind, including gifts to charity, which will impact you. Just be sure you continue to save for yourself. "You don't want to put too much weight in any inheritance you expect to receive," Saneholtz said. "Anything can happen. There are so many different variables, and documents can be changed at the last minute." Your Portfolio As you prepare for retirement, consider, too, how your money is invested, said Olsen at Ameriprise. On paper, you may appear to have all the money you need, but if your portfolio consists primarily of real estate, your ability to cover living expenses after the paychecks come to a halt may be compromised. "A lot of retirement savers don't seem to get that if you have $200,000 in your IRA and a paid-off house that's worth $800,000, you're not positioned as well as someone else who has the same net worth but $500,000 in their investment account," Olsen said. He noted that a large home with higher property taxes, homeowner's insurance, maintenance and utility bills can also drain your savings faster. Now is also the time to determine with greater precision whether your savings are sufficient to meet your long-term needs. The disciplined few who are on track to meet their financial goals can breathe easy, continuing to feather their nest egg while planning ahead for their on-time retirement. Olsen says one of his 50-something clients is so well prepared that he need only achieve a 5 percent average annual rate of return during his retirement years to maintain his standard of living. Statistically, though, you're more likely to have undersaved. A 2013 survey by TD Ameritrade (AMTD) found the average baby boomer has saved $200,000 for retirement but believes he or she will need a median of $750,000 to retire comfortably. That's a huge shortfall. If you're among those who have not saved enough, it's time to make some tough choices. That may mean downsizing your vision for retirement, selling your home to minimize fixed expenses, working longer or adopting a more aggressive stance with your investment portfolio. As you look ahead to your golden years, says Saneholtz, it's also important to ensure your home, health, life and auto insurance coverage is sufficient to protect your savings and your family in the event of an unexpected medical emergency or legal claim. The most important thing to remember, though, is that it's never too late to save.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Snapchat, Hedge Funds, and the Future of Investing in Startups

Where there's money to be made, you'll find investors…ok, hedge funds.

Jeff Hoffman keys on startup success

Jeff Hoffman keys on startup success (Photo credit: TechCocktail)

Leena Rao's TechCrunch article yesterday on the return of hedge funds to startup investing identifies a trend that we all felt was happening but didn't necessarily have the high-profile example to jog us. When Snapchat, the hot social app reportedly rebuffed a $3 billion dollar buyout offer from Facebook and instead, turned to go it alone by raising a $50 million round, it did so not by turning to venture capitalists.

Snapchat raised its money from a hedge fund (from Coatue Management, to be exact).

And there are other examples of hedge funds leaving the world of public market investing to place their bets on startups:

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Top 10 Freight Companies To Buy For 2015

On this day in economic and business history...

FedEx (NYSE: FDX  ) took off into business legend on April 17, 1973, when 14 Dassault Falcon 20s took off from Memphis International Airport. The successful delivery of 186 packages to 25 different cities was the first step toward realizing FedEx founder Fred W. Smith's ambition to reshape the global air-freight distribution system. However, it was only a first step. The rest of the road would take FedEx to places no delivery company had been before. Before we dive into the FedEx story, let's note that Smith's ambition makes a worthy counterpoint to would-be entrepreneurs who dismiss the value of college: He first developed the idea for FedEx at Yale in the 1960s, compiling his thoughts into a term paper on the inefficiencies of the "modern" air transport system of that day.

Within two months of this first delivery, FedEx (then known as Federal Express) was already growing rapidly. Coverage of the company from June 1973 noted:

Top 10 Freight Companies To Buy For 2015: Liuyang Fireworks Limited (FWK.V)

Liuyang Fireworks Limited engages in the development, manufacture, and distribution of fireworks and related products in the People's Republic of China and internationally. The company is based in Liuyang City, the People's Republic of China.

Top 10 Freight Companies To Buy For 2015: MetroCorp Bancshares Inc.(MCBI)

MetroCorp Bancshares, Inc. operates as a holding company for MetroBank, National Association; and Metro United Bank engages in the commercial banking activities in Texas and California. It provides various deposit products and services, including checking and savings accounts, money market accounts, money market accounts, noninterest-bearing demand deposit transaction accounts, and interest-bearing NOW accounts, as well as time deposits comprising certificates of deposit and individual retirement accounts. The company also offers a range of loan products, such as commercial and industrial loans to wholesalers, manufacturers, and business service companies; commercial mortgage loans to finance the purchase of real property; residential mortgage loans; loans for the construction of residential and non-residential properties; loans for commercial properties, that include multi-family, office, industrial, warehouse, and retail centers; and consumer loans, which comprise automo bile loans, lines of credit, and other personal loans, as well as involves in various government guaranteed lending programs. In addition, it provides trade finance loans and letters of credit to facilitate export and import transactions for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as offers ATM cards, debit cards, and online banking services. The company operates 13 branches in Houston and Dallas, Texas metropolitan areas; and 6 branches in the San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, California metropolitan areas. MetroCorp Bancshares, Inc. was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas.

Top 5 Chemical Stocks To Invest In 2015: Ztest Electronics Inc (ZTE.V)

ZTEST Electronics Inc., through its subsidiary, Permatech Electronics Corporation, offers electronic manufacturing services in Canada. The company engages in designing, developing, and assembling printed circuit boards and other electronic equipment. Its services also include materials management, and printed circuit board design and testing. The company serves customers in the medical, power, computer, telecommunication, wireless, industrial, and consumer electronics markets. ZTEST Electronics Inc. was founded in 1960 and is based in North York, Canada.

Top 10 Freight Companies To Buy For 2015: Syntroleum Corporation(SYNM)

Syntroleum Corporation and its subsidiaries engage in commercializing and licensing its Syntroleum technologies to produce synthetic liquid hydrocarbons. Its Syntroleum process involves conversion of carbon containing material into synthesis gas; and conversion of the synthesis gas or coal-derived or biomass-derived syngas into hydrocarbons. The company also develops the Synfining Process technology for the conversion of Fischer-Tropsch wax into various products, including diesel fuels, jet fuels, lubricants, naphtha, and other materials. In addition, it offers the Bio-Synfining technology, a second generation renewable fuels technology that is feedstock flexible, including the use of vegetable oils, fats, fatty acids, and greases. Syntroleum Corporation was founded in 1984 and is based in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Top 10 Freight Companies To Buy For 2015: Tempur-pedic International Inc (TPX)

Tempur-Pedic International Inc. manufactures, markets, and distributes bedding products in North America and internationally. Its products include pillows, mattresses, and adjustable beds, as well as various cushions and other comfort products. The company sells its mattresses and pillows under the TEMPUR and Tempur-Pedic brand names through furniture and bedding, specialty, and department stores; direct response, Internet, and own stores; chiropractors, medical retailers, hospitals, and other healthcare markets; and third party distributors. Tempur-Pedic International Inc. was founded in 1989 and is based in Lexington, Kentucky.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Alexis Xydias]

    Euro-region stocks are cheaper than equities in the U.S. and Asia. After an 11 percent gain in 2013, the Euro Stoxx 50 trades at 13.1 times projected earnings, according to Bloomberg data. The S&P 500 is valued at 15.5 times estimated profit and Japan�� Topix (TPX) trades at 15.1 times income after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed to end two decades of deflation.

  • [By Dan Caplinger]

    But Mattress Firm has to deal with competitors that are highly motivated to thwart its growth plans. On one hand, Tempur-Pedic's (NYSE: TPX  ) now-completed acquisition of Sealy has broadened the former high-end mattress specialist's product line to cover more of the lower-end business that Mattress Firm has historically focused on. At the same time, Select Comfort (NASDAQ: SCSS  ) has managed to take over its primary competitor in the air-filled mattress market, giving it sole control of that segment of the overall mattress market.

  • [By Kana Nishizawa]

    Japan�� Topix (TPX) index declined 0.4 percent, its first drop in four days, after the yen gained 0.2 percent to 99.81 per dollar. Australia�� S&P/ASX 200 Index and New Zealand�� NZX 50 Index both lost 0.6 percent. Singapore�� Straits Times Index fell 0.4 percent.

Top 10 Freight Companies To Buy For 2015: Qualstar Corporation(QBAK)

Qualstar Corporation designs, develops, manufactures, and sells automated magnetic tape libraries used to store, retrieve, and manage electronic data primarily in network computing environments worldwide. Its tape libraries consists of cartridge tape drives, tape cartridges, and robotics to move the cartridges from their storage locations to the tape drives under software control. The tape libraries also provide data storage solutions for organizations requiring backup, recovery, and archival storage of critical electronic information. The company also offers ancillary products related to its tape libraries, such as tape media, tape magazines, cables, bar code labels, and fiber channel adapters. In addition, it designs, develops, and sells switching power supplies that are used to convert alternate current line voltage to direct current voltages for use in electronic equipment, such as telecommunications equipment, servers, routers, switches, lighting, and gaming devices. Qualstar Corporation sells its tape drive products primarily to value added resellers and original equipment manufacturers, as well as switching power supplies primarily to original equipment manufacturers, contract manufacturers, and distributors. The company was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Simi Valley, California.

Top 10 Freight Companies To Buy For 2015: Bruker Corporation(BRKR)

Bruker Corporation designs, manufactures, services, and sells proprietary life science and materials research systems worldwide. The company?s Scientific Instruments segment offers advanced instrumentation and automated solutions based on magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, gas chromatography, X-ray, spark-optical emission spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, stylus and optical metrology, and infrared and Raman molecular spectroscopy technologies. This segment serves pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and molecular diagnostic companies; academic institutions, medical schools, and other non-profit organizations; clinical microbiology laboratories; government departments and agencies; nanotechnology, semiconductor, chemical, cement, metals, and petroleum companies; and food, beverage, and agricultural analysis companies and laboratories. Its Energy & Supercon Technologies segment provides superconducting materials, including metallic low temperature superconductors for use in magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear magnetic resonance, fusion energy research, and other applications; and ceramic high temperature superconductors primarily for fusion energy research applications, as well as non-superconducting Cuponal materials and wires based on co-extruded copper and aluminum, and non-superconducting high technology tools. Its customers include companies in the medical industry; private and public research and development laboratories in the fields of fundamental and applied sciences, and energy research; academic institutions; and government agencies. This segment is also involved in the development of superconductors and superconducting-enabled devices for applications in power and energy, as well as industrial processing industries. The company markets its products through direct sales force; and distributors, independent sales representatives, and other representatives. Bruker Corporation was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Billerica, M assachusetts.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Jake L'Ecuyer]

    Bruker (NASDAQ: BRKR) was down, falling 8.85 percent to $18.65 on Q3 results.

    In commodity news, oil traded down 0.93 percent to $95.48, while gold traded down 0.62 percent to $1,315.50.

Top 10 Freight Companies To Buy For 2015: Cole Real Estate Investments Inc (COLE)


Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Charles Sizemore]

    In the world of triple-net REITs, most of the attention in the past week has been on the planned merger of American Capital Realty Properties (ARCP) and Cole Real Estate Investments (COLE). I recently wrote about ARCP, noting that the REIT had seen heavy insider buying over the summer ��at prices higher than today��. I also recommended the stock based on its growth prospects within a sector I love and its high dividend yield — 6.7% at today�� prices.

  • [By Charles Sizemore]

    I call ARCP an “upstart” due to its short trading history (it�� only been trading since 2011).� But the truth is, after its merger with Cole Properties (COLE), ARCP will be the largest triple-net REIT by market cap, and its total square footage will be nearly double that of Realty Income. And while ARCP stock has a short history, its executive team has an average of 20 years experience in the industry.

  • [By Lauren Pollock]

    American Realty Capital Properties Inc.(ARCP) agreed to buy Cole Real Estate Investments Inc.(COLE) for about $7 billion, joining together two real-estate investment trusts. The expanded company will include a combined portfolio of more than 3,700 properties with over 100 million square feet in 49 states and Puerto Rico. Cole shares surged 16% to $14.91 premarket, while American Realty climbed 5.8% to $14.12.

  • [By Charles Sizemore]

    ARCP has a shorter trading history than some of its peers, such as Realty Income (O) and National Retail Properties (NNN), which largely explains why its yield is higher. As a relatively new REIT, ARCP stock is largely unfollowed by investors. But once its merger with Cole Properties (COLE) is completed, ARCP will be the largest trip-net REIT by market cap and total square footage, and it will no longer be flying under Wall Street�� radar.

Myriad Genetics (MYGN): The Stars Are Aligning for This Small Cap Cancer Diagnostic Stock (ROSG, GHDX & DGX)

On Tuesday, small cap cancer diagnostic stock Myriad Genetics, Inc (NASDAQ: MYGN) jumped 11.42% in one day, meaning its worth taking a closer look at the stock along with the performance of small cap cancer diagnostic stocks like Rosetta Genomics Ltd (NASDAQ: ROSG) and Genomic Health, Inc (NASDAQ: GHDX) plus mid cap diagnostic stock Quest Diagnostics Inc (NYSE: DGX). I should mention that we have had Myriad Genetics in our SmallCap Network Elite Opportunity (SCN EO) portfolio since February 5th and we are already up 18.50% – a nice return in just two weeks time.

What is Myriad Genetics, Inc?

Small cap is a leading molecular diagnostic company dedicated to making a difference in patient's lives through the discovery and commercialization of transformative tests to assess a person's risk of developing disease, guide treatment decisions and assess risk of disease progression and recurrence. More specifically, Myriad Genetics's hereditary cancer tests provide vital information to help people with a family history of disease understand their own risk of developing the disease while the company's prognostic tests are designed to provide information about the level of aggressiveness of a cancer to a healthcare provider and their patient so that they can make more informed treatment decisions. In addition, Myriad Genetics's personalized products provide valuable information for a healthcare provider to customize medical management plans individually for each patient.

As for diagnostic stock peers, Rosetta Genomics is a leading developer of microRNA-based diagnostic tests and therapeutic tools addressing critical unmet needs in cancer and other disease areas; Genomic Health, Inc is focused on improving the quality of cancer treatment decisions through the research, development and commercialization of genomic-based clinical laboratory services; and Quest Diagnostics is a Fortune 500 company that calls itself the world's leading provider of diagnostic information services.

What You Need to Know or Be Warned About Myriad Genetics

On Tuesday, Myriad Genetics announced it has published data in the Journal of Urology demonstrating that its Prolaris test accurately predicted, based on biopsy specimens, which men would develop biochemical recurrence (BCR) or metastatic disease following radical prostate surgery. The VP of Medical affairs at the company was quoted as saying:

"Men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer are often treated by radical prostatectomy, and about 30 percent of these patients will have metastases or progress even after surgery. The Prolaris test answers an important clinical question for all urologists concerning their surgical candidates...do my patients have an aggressive prostate cancer or not and therefore need more aggressive treatment?"

This is good news for the company because other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men according to the American Cancer Society statistics and its the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind only lung cancer (about 1 man in 36 will die of prostate cancer). In fact, about 233,000 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in the USA this year and about 29,480 men will die of of it. In addition, about 1 man in 7 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer some time during his lifetime.

Earlier in the month, Myriad Genetics rallied twice. First, the stock rallied on strong earnings, a full-year guidance above Wall Street's expectations and the acquisition of a privately held competitor autoimmune diagnostics company called Crescendo Bioscience. Shares then rallied again on news about an agreement to settle a patent infringement lawsuit between it and several other groups regarding BRCA testing. The BRCA1/BRCA2 tests are how Myriad Genetics makes close to 70% of its total revenue.

However, investors should be aware that according to Yahoo! Finance data, insiders have been cashing out:

Insider Transactions Reported - Last Two Years

Feb 14, 2014 MARSH RICHARD MOfficer 20,960 Direct Option Exercise at $7.82 per share. 163,907
Feb 14, 2014 MARSH RICHARD MOfficer 20,960 Direct Sale at $31.50 per share. 660,240
Feb 12, 2014 HARRISON ROBERT GARDNEROfficer 13,707 Direct Sale at $30.72 - $30.74 per share. 421,0002
Feb 12, 2014 HARRISON ROBERT GARDNEROfficer 10,506 Direct Option Exercise at $6 - $7.82 per share. N/A
Feb 10, 2014 CAPONE MARK CHRISTOPHEROfficer 87,500 Direct Option Exercise at $16.53 - $18 per share. 1,511,0002
Feb 10, 2014 CAPONE MARK CHRISTOPHEROfficer 87,500 Direct Sale at $32.07 per share. 2,806,125
Feb 7, 2014 MARSH RICHARD MOfficer 4,196 Direct Disposition (Non Open Market) at $0 per share. N/A
Feb 7, 2014 EVANS JAMES SOfficer 35,000 Direct Option Exercise at $7.82 per share. 273,700
Feb 7, 2014 EVANS JAMES SOfficer 35,000 Direct Sale at $33.04 per share. 1,156,400
Feb 5, 2014 MELDRUM PETER DOfficer 123,940 Direct Option Exercise at $7.27 - $8.63 per share. 985,0002
Feb 5, 2014 MELDRUM PETER DOfficer 9,040 Direct Sale at $30.78 per share. 278,251
Feb 5, 2014 MELDRUM PETER DOfficer 114,900 Direct Automatic Sale at $30.78 - $32 per share. 3,607,0002
Nov 8, 2013 MELDRUM PETER DOfficer 31,784 Direct Option Exercise at $5.89 - $6 per share. 189,0002
Nov 8, 2013 MELDRUM PETER DOfficer 31,784 Direct Sale at $26.46 - $26.52 per share. 842,0002
Nov 8, 2013 EVANS JAMES SOfficer 8,072 Direct Sale at $26.50 per share. 213,908


Insiders selling will tend to be a less than bullish indicator for a stock.

Share Performance: Myriad Genetics vs ROSG, GHDX & DGX

On Tuesday, small cap Myriad Genetics jumped 11.42% to $35.03 (MYGN has a 52 week trading range of $20.02 to $38.27 a share) for a market cap of $2.56 billion plus the stock is up 14% over the past year and down 19.9% over the past five years. Here is a look at the performance of Myriad Genetics verses that of diagnostic stock peers Rosetta Genomics Ltd, Genomic Health, Inc and Quest Diagnostics:

As you can see from the above chart, only Genomic Health, Inc has put in a decent performance over the long term – something investors need to consider.

Finally, here is a look at the latest technical charts for all three diagnostic stocks:

The Bottom Line. Certainly it looks like the stars are aligning for small cap cancer diagnostic stock Myriad Genetics, but investors might want to keep an eye on all of those insider transactions.

SmallCap Network Elite Opportunity (SCN EO) has an open position in MYGN. To find out what other open positions SCN EO currently has, and to learn why so many traders and investors are relying on this premium subscription service, click here to find out more.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Top 5 Retail Companies To Own In Right Now

Over the years, the expense ratios on ETFs have come down to absurdly low levels, as the size of their assets under management have grown. State Street's (NYSE: STT  ) SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSEMKT: SPY  ) is the largest ETF in the world, with $131 billion in assets under management and an expense ratio of 0.09%. Other funds cost even less, including Vanguard's S&P 500 ETF (NYSEMKT: VOO  ) , which has an expense ratio of just 0.05%.

According to the Financial Times, at a recent conference in London, Vanguard's head of retail said, "I would like to think the cost of investing [in ETFs] could come down to zero. There will always be a fixed cost in there, but if [a firm's asset] volume is big [enough], the total expense ratio can come right down."

While it seems absurd to think that ETFs could ever be free, it's actually possible. In the below video, Motley Fool contributor Dan Dzombak explains how this could happen.

To learn more about a few ETFs that have great promise for delivering profits to shareholders in a recovering global economy, check out The Motley Fool's special free report ,"3 ETFs Set to Soar During the Recovery." Just click here to access it now.

Top 5 Retail Companies To Own In Right Now: PetSmart Inc(PETM)

PetSmart, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a specialty retailer of products, services, and solutions for pets in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. The company offers consumables, such as pet food, treats, and litter; and hardgoods, which include pet supplies and other goods comprising collars, leashes, health care supplies, grooming and beauty aids, toys, apparel, and pet beds and carriers, as well as aquariums and habitats, accessories, d�or, and filters for fish, birds, reptiles, and small pets. It also provides fresh-water fish, small birds, reptiles, and small pets; and pet services, such as grooming, including precision cuts, baths, nail trimming and grinding, and teeth brushing, as well as training, boarding, and day camp services. In addition, the company operates PetsHotels that offer boarding for dogs and cats; provides personalized pet care, an on-call veterinarian, temperature controlled rooms and suites, daily specialty treats and p lay time, and day camp services for dogs; and operates veterinary hospitals, which offer services comprising routine examinations and vaccinations, dental care, a pharmacy, and surgical procedures. As of January 29, 2012, it operated 1,232 retail stores; 192 PetsHotels; 791 veterinary hospitals under the trade name of Banfield, The Pet Hospital; and 8 hospitals operated through other third parties in Canada. The company also offers its products through an e-commerce and community site, PetSmart.com. PetSmart, Inc. was founded in 1986 and is based in Phoenix, Arizona.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Marc Bastow]

    Pet products and services provider PetSmart (PETM) raised its quarterly dividend 18% to 19.5 cents per share, payable on Nov. 15 to shareholders of record as of Nov. 1.
    PETM Dividend Yield: 1.03%

  • [By Brian Orelli]

    Fourth-quarter revenue at�PetSmart� (NASDAQ: PETM  ) �was up 15% thanks to the addition of new stores and increasing same-store sales; earnings jumped an impressive 36% year over year. Over the last five years, shares are�up more than 200%, proving that�pets need food and get sick even in bad times, making the industry somewhat recession-proof.

  • [By Rich Duprey]

    There are a lot of moving parts for PetSmart (NASDAQ: PETM  ) going into its annual shareholder meeting on Friday.

    The pet food and supplies leader announced yesterday it has named a new non-executive chairman of the board,�Gregory P. Josefowicz, who will assume the role following the meeting. Exiting Chairman and CEO Bob Moran will not stand for reelection as a director, and company President and COO�David Lenhardt will fill the role of CEO.�Executive Vice President Joseph O'Leary will become president and COO. In May, the company named Carrie Teffner as its new chief financial officer.

  • [By Lauren Pollock]

    Among the companies with shares expected to actively trade in Friday’s session are Foot Locker Inc.(FL), Ann Inc.(ANN) and PetSmart Inc.(PETM)

Top 5 Retail Companies To Own In Right Now: ING Group N.V. (IDG)

ING Groep N.V., a financial services company, provides banking, investment, life insurance, and retirement services for individuals, families, small businesses, corporations, institutions, and governments worldwide. The company provides savings accounts, mortgage loans, consumer loans, credit card services, and investment products, as well as current account services and payments systems; life and non-life insurance products; asset management products and services; mortgage products; and risk management services. It also offers commercial banking products and services, including lending products, such as structured finance; payment and cash management, and treasury services; and specialized and trade finance, derivatives, corporate finance, debt and equity capital markets, leasing, factoring, and supply chain finance. In addition, the company provides individual endowment, and term and whole life insurance products, as well as traditional, unit-linked, and variable annuity life insurance products for individual and group customers; fire, motor, disability, transport, accident, and third party liability insurance products; employee benefits products and pension funds; retirement services, fixed annuities, mutual funds, and broker-dealer services; and disability insurance products and complementary services for employers and self-employed professionals comprising dentists, general practitioners, and lawyers. Further, the company offers investment management services. ING Groep N.V. operates a network of approximately 280 branches in the Netherlands; and 773 branches in Belgium. The company was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ING Groep N.V. is a subsidiary of Stichting ING Aandelen.

Hot High Dividend Stocks To Watch Right Now: Walgreen Co (WAG)

Walgreen Co. (Walgreens), incorporated on February 15, 1909, together with its subsidiaries, operates the drugstore chain in the United States. The Company provides its customers with access to consumer goods and services, pharmacy, and health and wellness services in communities across America. The Company offers its products and services through drugstores, as well as through mails, by telephone and online. The Company sells prescription and non-prescription drugs, as well as general merchandises, including household items, convenience and fresh foods, personal care, beauty care, photofinishing and candy. On August 2, 2012, it acquired 45% interest in Alliance Boots GmbH (Alliance Boots). In September 2012, the Company completed the purchase of a regional drugstore chain in the mid-South region of the United States that included 144 stores operated under the USA Drug, Super D Drug, May��, Med-X and Drug Warehouse names. In September 2012, WP Carey & Co LLC acquired five retail stores leased to Walgreen Co. In December 2012, the Company completed a transaction giving company a ownership stake in Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Pharmacy LLC.

The Company's pharmacy, health and wellness services include retail, specialty, infusion and respiratory services, mail service, convenient care clinics and worksite health and wellness centers. These services help improve health outcomes and manage costs for payers including employers, managed care organizations, health systems, pharmacy benefit managers and the public sector. The Company's Take Care Health Systems subsidiary is a manager of worksite health and wellness centers and in-store convenient care clinics, with more than 700 locations throughout the United States.

As of August 31, 2012, Walgreens operated 8,385 locations in 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico. In 2012, the Company opened or acquired 266 locations for a net increase of 175 locations after relocations and closings. As of August 31, 2012, the Com! pany had 7,930 of Drugstores, 366 of Worksite Health and Wellness Centers, 76 of Infusion and Respiratory Services Facilities, 11 of Specialty Pharmacies and two of Mail Service Facilities. The Company's drugstores are engaged in the retail sale of prescription and non-prescription drugs and general merchandise. General merchandise includes, among other things, household items, convenience and fresh foods, personal care, beauty care, photofinishing and candy.

The Company offers specialty pharmacy services that provide customers nationwide access to a variety of medications, services and programs for managing complex and chronic health conditions. In addition, the Company offers its customers infusion therapy services, including the administration of intravenous (IV) medications for cancer treatments, chronic pain, heart failure, and other infections and disorders which must be treated by IV. Walgreens provides these infusion services at home, at the workplace, in a physician's office or at a Walgreens alternate treatment site. The Company also provides clinical services, such as laboratory monitoring, medication profile review, nutritional assessments and patient and caregiver education.

Customers can also access the Company's e-commerce solutions, which extend the convenience to purchase most products available within its drugstores, as well as additional products sold exclusively online through its walgreens.com and drugstore.com Websites, including beauty.com and visiondirect.com. The Company's Websites allow consumers to purchase general merchandise including beauty, personal care, home medical equipment, contact lenses, vitamins and supplements and other health and wellness solutions. The Company's mobile applications also allow customers to refill prescriptions through their mobile device, download weekly promotions and find the nearest Walgreens drugstore. The Company also offers services through Take Care Health Systems, which manages its Take Care Clinics at select Wa! lgreens d! rugstores throughout the country.

Alliance Boots is a pharmacy-led health and beauty retailing and pharmaceutical wholesaling and distribution business. As of March 31, 2012, its fiscal year end, Alliance Boots had, together with its associates and joint ventures, pharmacy-led health and beauty retail businesses in 11 countries and operated more than 3,330 health and beauty retail stores, of which over 3,200 had a pharmacy. In addition, Alliance Boots had approximately 625 optical practices, approximately 185 of which operated on a franchise basis. Its pharmaceutical wholesale and distribution businesses, including its associates and joint ventures, supplied medicines, other healthcare products and related services to more than 170,000 pharmacies, doctors, health centers and hospitals from over 370 distribution centers in 21 countries.

Alliance Boots�� stores located in the United Kingdom, Norway, the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, Thailand and Lithuania and through its associates and joint ventures in Switzerland, China, Italy, Russia and Croatia. In addition, as of March 31, 2012, there were 58 Boots stores operated in the Middle East on a franchised basis. In its Health & Beauty Division, Alliance Boots has product brands such as No7, Soltan and Botanics, together with other brands, such as Boots Pharmaceuticals and Boots Laboratories. Through its Pharmaceutical Wholesale Division and several of its associates, Alliance Boots sells Almus, its line of generic medicines, in five countries and Alvita, its line of patient care products, in six countries.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Dan Burrows]

    Plus, Federal Realty Investment Trust’s fourth-quarter results matched Wall Street’s forecast, and the company hiked its full-year outlook. FRT’s portfolio of first-class shopping centers is doing well, as better-off consumers feel the urge to spend. To that end, FRT started the year by buying out two upscale shopping centers in New Jersey����he Grove at Shrewsbury and Brook 35 — for $161 million. That should help FRT continue to be one of the most reliable dividend stocks out there.

    Dependable Dividend Stocks: Walgreen (WAG)

    Dividend Yield: 2.1%
    YTD Gain: 12%

  • [By Charles Sizemore]

    The “typical” property for Realty Income would be your local Walgreens (WAG) or CVS (CVS) pharmacy ��a high traffic, highly visible location that you pass on your daily commute. And under a triple-net lease, it is the tenant’s responsibility to take care of the property and to pay the taxes and expenses.� The landlord�� only role is to collect the rent check. Not bad work, if you can find it.

  • [By Tamara Rutter]

    3. Walgreen (NYSE: WAG  )
    The next stock to buy on a dip is pharmacy retailer Walgreen. The stock has already had an impressive run this year, with shares up as much as 34%. However, with lost customers returning to Walgreen stores following a resolution with Express Scripts,�and strategic investments playing out overseas, Walgreen shares will likely continue higher from here.

  • [By Christopher Freeburn]

    Walgreen (WAG) will provide a defined contribution to pay for worker health insurance. The company said that employees will have a wider selection of coverage plans through an exchange operated by Aon Hewitt than they would get from its previous plans. A Walgreen executive said that knowledgeable consumers purchasing their own coverage was the “only way to drive down costs in the health care space,” the Associated Press notes.

Top 5 Retail Companies To Own In Right Now: McDonald's Corporation(MCD)

McDonald?s Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, operates as a worldwide foodservice retailer. It franchises and operates McDonald?s restaurants that offer various food items, soft drinks, coffee, and other beverages. As of December 31, 2009, the company operated 32,478 restaurants in 117 countries, of which 26,216 were operated by franchisees; and 6,262 were operated by the company. McDonald?s Corporation was founded in 1948 and is based in Oak Brook, Illinois.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Jonas Elmerraji]

    Fast food giant McDonald's (MCD) has been a laggard in 2013. While its 10% rally would look impressive almost any other year, it's been anemic this year, as the big indexes have churned out more than twice the performance since the calendar flipped over to January. But the golden arches could be getting ready to make up some lost ground.

    McDonald's is the biggest name in fast food, with more than 34,900 restaurants spread across 120 countries. MCD isn't a typical restaurant business -- the vast majority of its locations are franchised, and the firm even owns the land underneath many of those franchised locations. Those factors give McDonald's more in common with a REIT than with the diner down the street. In recent years, the firm has made efforts to move its menus upmarket with more healthy options and amenities like in-store WiFi.

    While those efforts have helped move McDonald's up the food chain a bit, the firm's real growth potential comes from emerging markets, where the chain enjoys a much more appealing image with a growing population of middle class consumers. MCD's unique business model should keep shoveling income to investors in 2014 -- at present, this Dow Dog's quarterly dividend payout works out to a 3.34% yield.

Top 5 Retail Companies To Own In Right Now: Staples Inc.(SPLS)

Staples, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as an office products company. The company offers various office supplies and services, office machines and related products, computers and related products, and office furniture under Staples, Quill, and other proprietary brands. It also provides copy and print services to retail and delivery customers, as well as technology services through its EasyTech business. The company sells and delivers office products and services directly to businesses and consumers through Internet retail, including Staples.com and Quill.com, as well as through contract sales force, direct mail catalog business, and retail stores. As of January 28, 2012, it operated 2,295 retail stores in 48 states and the District of Columbia in the United States; and 10 provinces and 2 territories in Canada, as well as in Belgium, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, the United Kingdom, China, Argentina, and Australia. The company also operated 124 distribution and fulfillment centers in 29 states in the United States; 7 provinces in Canada; and in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, China, Argentina, Brazil, and Australia. Staples, Inc. was founded in 1986 and is based in Framingham, Massachusetts.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Michael Lewis]

    Though considered by some to be a sinking ship and/or takeover target, office supply juggernaut Staples (NASDAQ: SPLS  ) is pushing through its 52-week highs as the company reported respectable earnings during Thursday's trading. Realistically, revenue is growing, the balance sheet is very conservative, and management has taken solid steps in pushing Web-based sales and delivery, as well as international expansion. Still, the company faces headwinds in a devastatingly low-margin business that requires expansion outside of core office products. Should Staples be a part of your retail portfolio? Let's take a look at recent earnings to find out.

  • [By Steve Symington]

    Stapling it all together
    Now, Staples (NASDAQ: SPLS  ) has become the first major U.S. retailer to carry 3-D printers by offering 3D Systems' very own Cube printers online.

  • [By John Divine]

    While rapid swings and unexpected news is par for the course on Wall Street, logic can be a little harder to find. Such was the case on Tuesday for shares of office supplies retailer Staples (NASDAQ: SPLS  ) , which slipped 4.5% on virtually no material news. The drop could be due to algorithm-based technical trading, as shares just crossed below their 200-day moving averages (apparently that's bad). With so little to substantiate today's weak performance, shareholders should take Tuesday's slip with a grain of salt.�

  • [By Holly LaFon]

    Two major retailers, Staples (SPLS) and Best Buy (BBY), recently they appeared on GuruFocus��historical low P/S ratios screener. Since the start of 2011, both of these retailers have moved up in step with the S&P, which has rallied up 7.4%, but both had fallen considerably over 2011. At the same time, their revenues have increased.

Top 5 Retail Companies To Own In Right Now: Rite Aid Corp (RAD)

Rite Aid Corporation, incorporated in 1968, is a retail drugstore chain in the United States. As of March 3, 2012, the Company operated drugstores in 31 states across the country and in the District of Columbia. As of March 3, 2012, it operated 4,667 stores. In the Company�� stores, it sells prescription drugs and a range of other merchandise, which it calls front end products. During the fiscal year ended March 3, 2012 (fiscal 2012), prescription drug sales accounted for 68.1% of its total sales. The Company carries a range of front end products, which accounted for 31.9% of its total sales in fiscal 2012. Front end products include over-the-counter medications, health and beauty aids, personal care items, cosmetics, household items, beverages, convenience foods, greeting cards, seasonal merchandise and other everyday and convenience products, as well as photo processing. It offers a variety of products under its private brands, which contributed approximately 17% of its front end sales in the categories where private brand products were offered in fiscal 2012. As of March 3, 2012, the Company had opened over 2,100 GNC stores-within-Rite Aid-stores. During fiscal 2012, the Company sold two owned operating stores to independent third parties.

During fiscal 2012, its stores filled approximately 295 million prescriptions and served an average of 2.1 million customers per day. The overall average size of each store in its chain is approximately 12,600 square feet. As of March 3, 2012, 60% of its stores were freestanding; 51% of its stores included a drive-thru pharmacy; 24% included one-hour photo shops, and 46% included a GNC store-within-Rite Aid-store. The Company�� customers may also order prescription refills over the Internet through www.riteaid.com, or over the phone through its telephonic automated refill systems for pick up at a Rite Aid store. It has a strategic alliance with GNC, a retailer of vitamin and mineral supplements.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Michael J. Carr]

    Rite Aid (NYSE: RAD) is not the type of stock usually seen on a list of hedge fund holdings. The stock trades at about $3.60, under the $5-a-share price limit set by many large investors. Many brokers will not allow traders to margin positions in stocks that cost less than $5 a share, and that means the funds might have to accept unleveraged returns on their positions in low-priced stocks.

  • [By Dan Caplinger]

    Walgreen (NYSE: WAG  ) will release its quarterly report on Friday, and investors have been pleased with the drugstore chain's success lately, bidding its shares to all-time record highs within the past month. Yet with Rite Aid (NYSE: RAD  ) having risen from the ashes to become profitable and with CVS Caremark (NYSE: CVS  ) still posing a big obstacle to Walgreen's dominance of the industry, the question investors are asking is whether Walgreen earnings can keep up the pace.

  • [By Roberto Pedone]

    One potential earnings short-squeeze candidate is retail drugstore chain operator Rite Aid (RAD), which is set to release numbers on Thursday before the market open. Wall Street analysts, on average, expect Rite Aid to report revenue of $6.27 billion on a loss of 4 cents per share.

    The current short interest as a percentage of the float for Rite Aid is notable at 3.7%. That means that out of the 896 million shares in the tradable float, 33.54 million shares are sold short by the bears. The bears have also been increasing their bets from the last reporting period by 32%, or by about 8.13 million shares. If the bears get caught pressing their bets into a bullish quarter, then shares of RAD could easily explode higher post-earnings as the bears rush to cover some of their short bets.

    From a technical perspective, RAD is currently trending above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages, which is bullish. This stock has been uptrending strong for the last six months, with shares moving higher from its low of $1.65 to its recent high of $3.75 a share. During that uptrend, shares of RAD have been consistently making higher lows and higher highs, which is bullish technical price action. That move has now pushed shares of RAD within range of triggering a major breakout trade post-earnings.

    If you're bullish on RAD, then I would wait until after its report and look for long-biased trades if this stock manages to break out above its 52-week high at $3.75 a share with high volume. Look for volume on that move that hits near or above its three-month average action of 20.36 million shares. If that breakout hits, then RAD will set up to enter new 52-week-high territory, which is bullish technical price action. Some possible upside targets off that breakout are $5 to $6 a share.

    I would avoid RAD or look for short-biased trades if after earnings it fails to trigger that breakout, and then drops back below some key near-term support levels at $3.53

Top 5 Retail Companies To Own In Right Now: Arch Therapeutics Inc (ARTH)

Arch Therapeutics, Inc. (Arch), formerly Almah, Inc., incorporated on September 16, 2009, operates as a life science company developing polymers containing peptides intended to form gel-like barriers over wounds to stop or control bleeding. Arch is a medical device company offering an approach to the rapid cessation of bleeding (hemostasis) and control of fluid leakage (sealant) during surgery and trauma care. Arch�� products are in preclinical development. The first product, AC5, is designed for hemostasis in minimally invasive (laparoscopic) and open surgical procedures.


AC5 is a synthetic peptide consisting of naturally occurring amino acids. When squirted or sprayed onto a wound, AC5 intercalates into the nooks and crannies of the connective tissue where it builds itself into a physical, mechanical structure. That structure provides a barrier to leaking substances, including blood and other bodily fluids, regardless of type of surgery or, based on early data, clotting ability.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By James E. Brumley]

    With each passing day, the opportunity Arch Therapeutics Inc. (OTCBB:ARTH) is presenting to investors gets a little bit clearer... as clear as AC5. What's AC5? It's a hemostasis agent. In other words, it stops post-surgical bleeding. It doesn't do the job quite like anything else out there, though, and that's a good thing for current and/or future ARTH shareholders.

  • [By James E. Brumley]

    To give credit where it's due, Cytomedix, Inc. (OTCBB:CMXI) and Baxter International Inc. (NYSE:BAX) have both helped shape the landscape of the hemostasis (bleeding control) market with their products, AutoloGel and TISSELL, respectively. Arch Therapeutics Inc. (OTCBB:ARTH) has proverbially taken their concepts "up a notch", however, and its direct solution to a problem that CMXI and BAX can't quite solve may make ARTH the hottest trading candidate in the hemostasis space.

  • [By John Udovich]

    Small cap stocks Derma Sciences Inc (NASDAQ: DSCI), Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc (NASDAQ: OCLS)�and Arch Therapeutics Inc (OTCBB: ARTH) specialize or have a focus on wound care���a medical problem that has plagued mankind since the dawn of time. After all and think back to our Civil War when disease along with infections resulting from improper wound care probably killed more soldiers than actual battles. Even today, infection after surgery or after receiving a wound or injury of any kind is still a constant threat. And then there is the scaring that can result from any sort of invasive surgery or injury. With those thoughts in mind, here are three small cap wound care stocks trying address these problems:

  • [By Bryan Murphy]

    When traders think of post-surgical wound management stocks, they may first think of names like Cytomedix, Inc. (OTCBB:CMXI) or Alliqua Inc. (OTCMKTS:ALQA). And well they should. Both companies have something of a history in the arena. ALQA is the purveyor of SilverSeal and Hydress antibiotic bandages, while CMXI is the developer of the AutoloGel system, which induces an affected patient's on body to do what it's supposed to do if there's a wound that won't heal. Cytomedix also makes the Angel platelet-rich plasma (PRP) delivery system. There's a relatively new name to add to the list of game-changing stocks in wound-management industry, however.... Arch Therapeutics Inc. (OTCBB:ARTH). The company is developing - well, has developed - a product called AC5 that nips post-surgical bleeding in the bud, largely negating the need for other post-surgical bleeding-control measures.

Top 5 Retail Companies To Own In Right Now: Radioshack Corporation(RSH)

RadioShack Corporation engages in the retail sale of consumer electronic goods and services through its RadioShack store chain and kiosk operations. Its products include postpaid and prepaid wireless handsets and communication devices, such as scanners and global positioning system (GPS) products; home entertainment, wireless, music, computer, video game, and GPS accessories; media storage, power adapters, digital imaging products, and headphones; home audio and video end-products, personal computing products, residential telephones, and voice over Internet protocol products; digital cameras, digital music players, toys, satellite radios, video gaming hardware, camcorders, and general radios; general and special purpose batteries and battery chargers; and wires and cables, connectivity products, components and tools, and hobby products. The company also provides consumers access to third-party services, such as prepaid wireless airtime and extended service plans in its ser vice platform. In addition, it manufactures various products, including telephones, antennas, wires, and cable products, as well as various hard-to-find parts and accessories for consumer electronics products; and provides repair services. As of March 31, 2011, the company operated 4,467 company-operated retail stores under the RadioShack brand name in the United States; and 1,304 kiosks located in Target and Sam?s Club stores. As of December 31, 2010, it operated 211 company-operated stores under the RadioShack brand, 9 dealers, and 1 distribution center in Mexico; a network of 1,207 RadioShack dealer outlets, including 34 located outside of North America; and 4 distribution centers in the United States. Further, the company sells its products through its Website, radioshack.com. RadioShack Corporation was founded in 1899 and is based in Fort Worth, Texas.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Manoj Madhavan]

    Before joining RadioShack (RSH) as CEO in 2013, Joe Magnacca had never been a CEO before.

    2) Before joining ASDA, Archie had overseen the successful turnaround of KingFisher (then Woolworth Holdings) and had already made a name for himself as a future high potential would-be CEO.

Top 5 Retail Companies To Own In Right Now: Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.(BBBY)

Bed Bath & Beyond Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates a chain of retail stores. It sells a range of domestic merchandise, such as bed linens and related items, bath items, and kitchen textiles; and home furnishings, including kitchen and tabletop items, fine tabletop, basic housewares, general home furnishings, consumables, and certain juvenile products. The company also offers giftware, household products, and health and beauty care items; and infant and toddler merchandise. It operates stores under the names of Bed Bath & Beyond (BBB), Christmas Tree Shops (CTS), Harmon and Harmon Face Values (Harmon), and buybuy BABY. As of August 27, 2011, the company had a total of 1,155 stores, including 986 BBB stores, 70 CTS stores, 54 buybuy BABY stores, and 45 Harmon stores in 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Canada. It also operates two stores under the name of Home & More in the Mexico City through a joint venture. Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. was foun ded in 1971 and is based in Union, New Jersey.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Steve Heller]

    A group of analysts over at BB&T price-compared a basket of 30 items between Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN  ) and Bed Bath & Beyond (NASDAQ: BBBY  ) , and found Bed Bath & Beyond to be victorious. On average, Bed Bath & Beyond's prices were 6.5% better than Amazon's, and after accounting for its ubiquitous 20% off coupons, the gap widened to 25%.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

4 Biotech Stocks Under $10 to Watch

DELAFIELD, Wis. (Stockpickr) -- A smart trader keeps a close eye on unusual upside volume in stocks -- and unusual volume in a stock that trades below $10 should really make you sit up and pay attention.

>>5 Stocks Set to Soar on Bullish Earnings

Stocks that trade below $10 a share can make big moves to the upside very quickly, and short-term traders can try to capture some of that massive volatility. Regardless of the reason behind it, when a stock makes a large-percentage move, it is often just the start of a new major trend -- a trend that can lead to huge profits.

If you time your trade correctly, combining technical indicators with fundamental trends, discipline and sound money management, you will be well on your way to investment success.

>>5 Rocket Stocks to Buy for Big Gains

With that in mind, let's take a closer look at a several stocks under $10 that are making sharp moves higher with unusual upside volume flows.

Pacific Biosciences of California

Pacific Biosciences of California (PACB) develops, manufactures and markets an integrated platform for genetic analysis. This stock is trading up 8% to $7.05 in Tuesday's trading session.

Tuesday's Range: $6.51-$7.17

52-Week Range: $1.95-$8.20

Tuesday's Volume: 1.22 million

Three-Month Average Volume: 891,153

From a technical perspective, PACB is soaring higher here right above some near-term support at $6.18 with above-average volume. This move is quickly pushing shares of PACB within range of triggering a major breakout trade. That trade will hit if PACB manages to take out some near-term overhead resistance levels at $7.45 to $7.59 and then once it clears its 52-week high at $8.20 with high volume.

Traders should now look for long-biased trades in PACB as long as it's trending above Tuesday's low of $6.50 or above more support at $6.18 and then once it sustains a move or close above those breakout levels with volume that hits near or above 891,153 shares. If that breakout hits soon, then PACB will set up to enter new 52-week-high territory above $8.20, which is bullish technical price action. Some possible upside targets off that breakout are $10 to $11.

China Pharma

China Pharma (CPHI) develops, manufactures and markets generic and branded pharmaceutical and biochemical products to hospitals and private retailers in the People's Republic of China. This stock is trading up 8% to 56 cents per share in Tuesday's trading session.

Tuesday's Range: $0.50-$0.56

52-Week Range: $0.19-$0.80

Tuesday's Volume: 365,000

Three-Month Average Volume: 221,247

From a technical perspective, CPHI is ripping higher here and breaking out above some near-term overhead resistance at 53 cents per share with above-average volume. This move is quickly pushing shares of CPHI within range of triggering another big breakout trade. That trade will hit if CPHI manages to take out some more near-term overhead resistance levels at 60 to 64 cents per share with high volume.

Traders should now look for long-biased trades in CPHI as long as it's trending above some near-term support levels at 50 cents to 48 cents per share and then once it sustains a move or close above those breakout levels with volume that hits near or above 221,247 shares. If that breakout triggers soon, then CPHI will set up to re-test or possibly take out its next major overhead resistance level at its 52-week high of 80 cents per share.


Xencor (XNCR), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, focuses on discovering and developing engineered monoclonal antibodies to treat severe and life-threatening diseases. This stock is trading up 8% to $9.62 in Tuesday's trading session.

Tuesday's Range: $9.00-$9.94

52-Week Range: $7.70-$10.90

Tuesday's Volume: 144,000

Three-Month Average Volume: 83,279

From a technical perspective, XNCR is ripping higher here right off its 50-day moving average of $8.96 with above-average volume. This stock has been trending sideways the last month, with shares moving between $8.40 on the downside and $9.74 on the upside. Shares of XNCR are now quickly moving within range of triggering a near-term breakout trade above the upper-end of its recent range. That trade will hit if XNCR manages to take out some near-term overhead resistance levels at $9.74 to $10.20 with high volume.

Traders should now look for long-biased trades in XNCR as long as it's trending above its 50-day at $8.96 and then once it sustains a move or close above those breakout levels with volume that hits near or above 83,279 shares. If that breakout hits soon, then XNCR will set up to re-test or possibly take out its all-time high at $10.90.

Discovery Laboratories

Discovery Laboratories (DSCO), a specialty biotechnology company, focuses on developing products for critical care patients with respiratory disease and care in pulmonary medicine. This stock is trading up 4% to $2.36 in Tuesday's trading session.

Tuesday's Range: $2.28-$2.40

52-Week Range: $1.50-$3.05

Tuesday's Volume: 593,000

Three-Month Average Volume: 494,948

From a technical perspective, DSCO is trending higher here right off its 50-day moving average of $2.29 with above-average volume. This move is starting to push shares of DSCO into breakout territory, since this stock has started to trend above some near-term overhead resistance at $2.34. Shares of DSCO are now quickly moving within range of triggering an even bigger breakout trade. That trade will hit if DSCO manages to take out some key near-term overhead resistance levels at $2.57 to $2.64 with high volume.

Traders should now look for long-biased trades in DSCO as long as it's trending above some near-term support levels at $2.16 to $2.10 and then once it sustains a move or close above those breakout levels with volume that hits near or above 494,948 shares. If that breakout hits soon, then DSCO will set up to re-test or possibly take out its 52-week high at $3.05.

To see more stocks under $10 that are making notable moves higher with volume, check out the Stocks Under $10 Spiking Higher With Unusual Volume portfolio on Stockpickr.

-- Written by Roberto Pedone in Delafield, Wis.


>>4 Big-Volume Stocks Triggering Breakouts

>>5 Shareholder Yield Stocks to Beat the S&P

>>5 Big Trades for a Correction Day

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At the time of publication, author had no positions in stocks mentioned.

Roberto Pedone, based out of Delafield, Wis., is an independent trader who focuses on technical analysis for small- and large-cap stocks, options, futures, commodities and currencies. Roberto studied international business at the Milwaukee School of Engineering, and he spent a year overseas studying business in Lubeck, Germany. His work has appeared on financial outlets including

CNBC.com and Forbes.com.

You can follow Pedone on Twitter at www.twitter.com/zerosum24 or @zerosum24.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Top 5 Wireless Telecom Stocks To Invest In Right Now

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) ��Shares of Palo Alto Networks Inc. and Convergys Corp. surged in the extended session Monday after both companies announced acquisition deals.

Palo Alto Networks

Shares of Palo Alto Networks (PANW) �rose 2.5% to $59.30 on moderate volume after the network-security firm announced it had acquired Morta Security for an undisclosed sum.

Top 5 Wireless Telecom Stocks To Invest In Right Now: Vodafone Group PLC (VOD.O)

Vodafone Group Plc (Vodafone), incorporated in 1984, is a mobile communications company operating across the globe providing a range of communications services. The Company offers a range of products and services, including voice, messaging, data and fixed-line solutions and devices to assist customers in meeting their total communications needs. Vodafone has a global presence, with equity interests in over 30 countries and over 40 partner markets worldwide. It operates in three geographic regions: Europe, Africa and Central Europe; Asia Pacific, and the Middle East, and has an investment in Verizon Wireless in the United States. In October 2010, Vodafone Global Enterprise, the business within Vodafone, announced the acquisition of two telecom expense management (TEM) companies, Quickcomm and TnT Expense Management. In November 2011, the Company sold 24.4% interest in Polkomtel in Poland. In March 2012, Verizon Wireless, which is a joint venture of Verizon Communication s Inc. and Vodafone, purchased the operating assets of Cellular One of Northeast Pennsylvania from the Company. In April 2012, its Netherlands-based division, Vodafone Libertel BV, acquired Telespectrum-DJ. On October 31, 2012, the Company acquired TelstraClear Limited. In May 2013, Vodafone Group Plc announced launch of its carrier services business unit.

In Europe, the Company�� mobile subsidiaries and joint venture operate under the brand name Vodafone. Its associate in France operates as SFR and Neuf Cegetel, and its fixed-line communication businesses operate as Vodafone, Arcor, Tele2 and TeleTu. Vodafone�� subsidiaries in Africa and Central Europe operate under the Vodafone brand, or in the case of Vodacom and its mobile subsidiaries, the Vodacom and Gateway brands. Its joint venture in Poland operates as Polkomtel and its associate in Kenya operates as Safaricom. The Company�� subsidiaries and joint venture in Fiji operate under the Vodafone brand, and its joint venture in Australia operates under the bran! d! s Vodafone and 3. The Company�� associate in the United States operates under the brand Verizon Wireless.

Vodafone has an international customer base with 370 million mobile customers across the world as of March 31, 2011. Vodafone also caters to all business segments ranging from small-office-home-office (SoHo) and small-medium enterprises (SMEs) to corporates and multinational corporations. Through its subsidiaries, Vodafone directly owns and manages approximately 2,200 stores around the world. The Company also has around 10,300 Vodafone-branded stores run through franchise and exclusive dealer arrangements.

The Company�� range of handsets covers all its customer segments and price points, and is available in a variety of designs. During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 (fiscal 2011), 14 new handsets were released under its own brand and it shipped 5.8 million. In addition to handsets, it supplies a range of connected smart devices. It su pplies the iPhone in 19 markets. During fiscal 2011, the Company launched its USB stick based on 4G/LTE technology in Germany and Verizon Wireless launched in the United States.; Vodafone WebBox; a smartphone roaming data plan that allows the European customers to use their home data plan abroad for only 2 a day to access the Internet, emails and applications; the Android-powered Vodafone 845 and 945 devices; Vodafone TV services; Vodafone 252, which comes pre-loaded with Vodafone M-Pesa for mobile payment services and a prepaid balance indicator that helps customers to keep track of their phone credit to avoid overspending; Vodafone M-Pesa in South Africa, Qatar and Fiji; 3G services in India, and LTE services by acquiring LTE spectrum in Germany.

The Company is a carrier of mobile voice traffic in the world providing domestic, international and roaming voice services to more than 370 million customers. Its networks sent and received over 292 billion text, pic ture, music and video messages during fiscal 2011. The ! Compa! ny! serves! more than 75 million customers with data services, which allow access to the Internet, email and applications on their phones, tablets, laptops and netbooks. The Company provides a range of data products, including Machine-to-machine (��2M�� connections, which allow devices to communicate with one another via built-in mobile SIM cards; Third party billing; Financial services; Near field communication (��FC��, and Mobile advertising. The Company, as of March 31, 2011, served 5.3 million M2M connections around the world. NFC allows communication between devices when they are touched together or brought within a few centimetres of each other. The Company has mobile advertising business in 18 countries with a range of capabilities. Over six million customers use its fixed broadband services in 13 markets to meet their total communications needs. In addition, through Gateway, it provides wholesale carrier services to more than 40 African countries. Other service revenue includes business managed services, such as secure remote network access, and revenue from mobile virtual network operators generated from selling access to its network at the wholesale level. The Company�� enterprise customers range from small-office-home-office (��oHo�� businesses and small to medium-sized enterprises (��MEs��, through to domestic and multinational companies. The Company has 34 million enterprise customers accounting for around 9% of all customers and around 23% of service revenue. The Company focuses on SoHos and SMEs to provide customers with integrated fixed and mobile communications solutions. Vodafone Global Enterprise manages the communication needs of over 560 of the multinational corporate customers. It provides a range of managed services, such as Central Ordering, Device Manager, Spend Manager Solutions, Invoice Manager, Vodafone Neverfail and Telecoms management. The Company offers a range of total communications applications, as well as services for enterprise and consumer customers. V! odafone !! Always Be! st Connected software enables customers to stay connected to the Internet on the available connection wherever they are by automatically managing the switching between connection types including mobile broadband, Wi-Fi and LAN. Vodafone PC Backup is an online back-up and restores service that enables users to remotely store data securely and automatically via their Internet connection.

Top 5 Wireless Telecom Stocks To Invest In Right Now: Intelsat SA (I)

Intelsat S.A., incorporated on July 18, 2011, is a satellite services business, providing a layer in the global communications infrastructure. The Company operates satellite capacity, holds orbital location rights, contract backlog, serve commercial customers and deliver services. It provides diversified communications services to the world�� media companies, fixed and wireless telecommunications operators, data networking service providers for enterprise and mobile applications, multinational corporations and Internet service providers (ISPs). It is also the provider of commercial satellite capacity to the United States government and other select military organizations and their contractors.

The Company has a satellite fleet comprised of more than 50 satellites, covering 99% of the Earth�� populated regions. Its fleet, combined with the IntelsatOne terrestrial fiber network and a collection of teleports, form a singular unmatched global infrastructure to meet any communications requirement. As the provider of satellite services, the Company provides mission critical communication services.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Rich Duprey]

    Satellite services provider Intelsat (NYSE: I  ) announced yesterday its third-quarter dividend of $0.71875 per share on its 5.75% Series A mandatory convertible junior non-voting preferred stock, which trades on the NYSE under the symbol I.PRA.

  • [By The Specialist]

    Subject to ongoing evaluation and analysis, the Reporting Person may consider certain plans or proposals to increase shareholders' value that may relate to or may result in (I) a change in the present board of directors or management of the Issuer, including any plans or proposals to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board; and/or (ii) a material change in the present dividend policy of the Issuer

Top 5 Gold Stocks To Invest In Right Now: Moko Social Media Ltd (MKB)

Moko Social Media Ltd , formerly MOKO.mobi Limited, is an Australia-based integrated global social media company. The Company was engaged in delivering mobile social networking services to global consumers within the youth and young adult demographic. The Company operates in four segments: mobile social networks, mobile advertising, mobile content & gaming, and mobile commerce. The Company operates in five geographical segments: Australia, Europe, Asia, United States and Africa. On July 26, 2011, the Company acquired the mBuzzy assets from SendMe Inc (mBuzzy). On December 16, 2011, the Company acquired 100% interest in the Paper Tree Limited group of entities (PTL Group). The Company�� subsidiaries include MOKO.mobi Inc, Paper Tree Limited and Southern Breeze Trading 3 Pty Ltd.

Top 5 Wireless Telecom Stocks To Invest In Right Now: Vodafone Group PLC (VOD)

Vodafone Group Plc (Vodafone), incorporated in 1984, is a mobile communications company operating across the globe providing a range of communications services. The Company offers a range of products and services, including voice, messaging, data and fixed-line solutions and devices to assist customers in meeting their total communications needs. Vodafone has a global presence, with equity interests in over 30 countries and over 40 partner markets worldwide. It operates in three geographic regions: Europe, Africa and Central Europe; Asia Pacific, and the Middle East, and has an investment in Verizon Wireless in the United States. In October 2010, Vodafone Global Enterprise, the business within Vodafone, announced the acquisition of two telecom expense management (TEM) companies, Quickcomm and TnT Expense Management. In November 2011, the Company sold 24.4% interest in Polkomtel in Poland. In March 2012, Verizon Wireless, which is a joint venture of Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone, purchased the operating assets of Cellular One of Northeast Pennsylvania from the Company. In April 2012, its Netherlands-based division, Vodafone Libertel BV, acquired Telespectrum-DJ. On October 31, 2012, the Company acquired TelstraClear Limited. In May 2013, Vodafone Group Plc announced launch of its carrier services business unit.

In Europe, the Company�� mobile subsidiaries and joint venture operate under the brand name Vodafone. Its associate in France operates as SFR and Neuf Cegetel, and its fixed-line communication businesses operate as Vodafone, Arcor, Tele2 and TeleTu. Vodafone�� subsidiaries in Africa and Central Europe operate under the Vodafone brand, or in the case of Vodacom and its mobile subsidiaries, the Vodacom and Gateway brands. Its joint venture in Poland operates as Polkomtel and its associate in Kenya operates as Safaricom. The Company�� subsidiaries and joint venture in Fiji operate under the Vodafone brand, and its joint venture in Australia operates under the brands V! odafone and 3. The Company�� associate in the United States operates under the brand Verizon Wireless.

Vodafone has an international customer base with 370 million mobile customers across the world as of March 31, 2011. Vodafone also caters to all business segments ranging from small-office-home-office (SoHo) and small-medium enterprises (SMEs) to corporates and multinational corporations. Through its subsidiaries, Vodafone directly owns and manages approximately 2,200 stores around the world. The Company also has around 10,300 Vodafone-branded stores run through franchise and exclusive dealer arrangements.

The Company�� range of handsets covers all its customer segments and price points, and is available in a variety of designs. During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 (fiscal 2011), 14 new handsets were released under its own brand and it shipped 5.8 million. In addition to handsets, it supplies a range of connected smart devices. It supplies the iPhone in 19 markets. During fiscal 2011, the Company launched its USB stick based on 4G/LTE technology in Germany and Verizon Wireless launched in the United States.; Vodafone WebBox; a smartphone roaming data plan that allows the European customers to use their home data plan abroad for only 2 a day to access the Internet, emails and applications; the Android-powered Vodafone 845 and 945 devices; Vodafone TV services; Vodafone 252, which comes pre-loaded with Vodafone M-Pesa for mobile payment services and a prepaid balance indicator that helps customers to keep track of their phone credit to avoid overspending; Vodafone M-Pesa in South Africa, Qatar and Fiji; 3G services in India, and LTE services by acquiring LTE spectrum in Germany.

The Company is a carrier of mobile voice traffic in the world providing domestic, international and roaming voice services to more than 370 million customers. Its networks sent and received over 292 billion text, picture, music and video messages during fiscal 2011. The Company ! serves mo! re than 75 million customers with data services, which allow access to the Internet, email and applications on their phones, tablets, laptops and netbooks. The Company provides a range of data products, including Machine-to-machine (��2M�� connections, which allow devices to communicate with one another via built-in mobile SIM cards; Third party billing; Financial services; Near field communication (��FC��, and Mobile advertising. The Company, as of March 31, 2011, served 5.3 million M2M connections around the world. NFC allows communication between devices when they are touched together or brought within a few centimetres of each other. The Company has mobile advertising business in 18 countries with a range of capabilities. Over six million customers use its fixed broadband services in 13 markets to meet their total communications needs. In addition, through Gateway, it provides wholesale carrier services to more than 40 African countries. Other service revenue includes business managed services, such as secure remote network access, and revenue from mobile virtual network operators generated from selling access to its network at the wholesale level. The Company�� enterprise customers range from small-office-home-office (��oHo�� businesses and small to medium-sized enterprises (��MEs��, through to domestic and multinational companies. The Company has 34 million enterprise customers accounting for around 9% of all customers and around 23% of service revenue. The Company focuses on SoHos and SMEs to provide customers with integrated fixed and mobile communications solutions. Vodafone Global Enterprise manages the communication needs of over 560 of the multinational corporate customers. It provides a range of managed services, such as Central Ordering, Device Manager, Spend Manager Solutions, Invoice Manager, Vodafone Neverfail and Telecoms management. The Company offers a range of total communications applications, as well as services for enterprise and consumer customers. Vodafone Alw! ays Best ! Connected software enables customers to stay connected to the Internet on the available connection wherever they are by automatically managing the switching between connection types including mobile broadband, Wi-Fi and LAN. Vodafone PC Backup is an online back-up and restores service that enables users to remotely store data securely and automatically via their Internet connection.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Alex Planes]

    Verizon's potential buyout of Vodafone's (NASDAQ: VOD  ) stake in the companies' joint wireless venture could make it difficult to accurately assess Verizon's long-term outlook. Verizon has long been trying to resolve underlying control issues with the British telecom powerhouse, which owns a 45% stake in Verizon Wireless. There have even been talks of Verizon buying Vodafone's stake outright in the world's largest leveraged buyout. This would leapfrog Verizon over many competitors in the global telecom race, but at the price of adding a massive debt overhang to its already hefty debt commitments.

  • [By Travis Hoium]

    Companies are still looking for ways to expand, and there are a few acquisitions that should give investors a little hope. Vodafone (NASDAQ: VOD  ) agreed to buy Kabel Deutschland, Germany's largest cable operator, for $10.1 billion in an effort to expand in one of Europe's only healthy economies. Vodafone will expand its TV and fixed-line business and add them to the wireless services it already offers in the country. �

  • [By Chris Neiger]

    Verizon Wireless, a joint venture between Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ  ) and Vodafone (NASDAQ: VOD  ) , finished a nationwide rollout of its 4G LTE coverage yesterday.�

Top 5 Wireless Telecom Stocks To Invest In Right Now: CalAmp Corp (CAMP.O)

CalAmp Corp. (CalAmp) develops and markets wireless technology solutions that deliver data, voice and video for critical networked communications and other applications. The Company has two business segments: Wireless DataCom, which serves commercial, industrial and government customers, and Satellite, which focuses on the North American Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) market. In May 2012, CalAmp Corp announced that it has entered into a five-year supply agreement to provide fleet tracking products to Navman Wireless. As part of the transaction, CalAmp has acquired certain products and technologies from Navman Wireless and established a research and development center in Auckland, New Zealand. The assets acquired by CalAmp include technology for Mobile Display Terminals (MDT) and an MDT product line marketed to telematics original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) globally. In March 2013, it completed the acquisition of the operations of Wireless Matrix Corporation.

< p>

Wireless DataCom

The Wireless DataCom segment provides wireless technology, products and services for industrial Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Mobile Resource Management (MRM) market segments for a range of applications, including optimizing and automating electricity distribution and ancillary utility functions; facilitating communication and coordination among emergency first-responders; increasing productivity and optimizing activities of mobile workforces; improving management control over valuable remote and mobile assets, and enabling emerging applications in a wirelessly connected world.

The Company's Wireless DataCom segment is comprised of a Wireless Networks business and an MRM business. CalAmp's Wireless Networks business provides products, systems and services to industrial, utility, energy and transportation enterprises and state and local governmental entities for deployment where the ability to communicate with mobile personne l or to command and control remote assets is crucial. Util! it! ies, oil and gas, mining, railroad and security companies rely on CalAmp products for wireless data communications to and from outlying locations, permitting real-time monitoring, activation and control of remote equipment. Applications include remotely measuring freshwater and wastewater flows, pipeline flow monitoring for oil and gas transport, automated utility meter reading, remote Internet access and perimeter monitoring. CalAmp is among the leaders in the application of wireless communications technology to Smart Grid power distribution automation for electric utilities.

MRM wireless solutions include global positioning system (GPS) location, cellular data modems and programmable events-based notification firmware as key components, allowing customers to know where and how their assets are performing, no matter where those mobile assets are located. Commercial organizations, vehicle finance providers, city and county governments, and a range of other enter prises rely on CalAmp products and systems to optimize delivery of services and protect valuable assets. Applications include fleet management, asset tracking, student and school bus tracking and route optimization, stolen vehicle recovery, remote asset security, remote vehicle start, and machine-to-machine communications. In addition to functioning as an OEM supplier of location and communications hardware for MRM applications, CalAmp is a total solutions provider of turn-key systems incorporating location and communications hardware, cellular airtime and Web-based remote asset management tools and interfaces.

The Company competes with Motorola Solutions, GE-MDS, Freewave, Sierra Wireless, GenX, Spireon, Novatel Wireless-Enfora and Xirgo.


The Satellite segment develops, manufactures and sells DBS outdoor customer premise equipment and whole home video networking devices for digital and high definition satellite television (TV ) reception. CalAmp's satellite products are sold prim! arily ! t! o EchoSt! ar, an affiliate of Dish Network.

The Company's DBS reception products are installed at subscriber premises to receive television programming signals transmitted from orbiting satellites. These DBS reception products consist principally of outdoor electronics that receive, process, amplify and switch satellite television signals for distribution over coaxial cable to multiple set-top boxes inside the home that can acquire, recognize and process the signal to create a picture.

The Company competes with Sharp, Wistron NeWeb Corporation, Microelectronics Technology, Pro Brand and Global Invacom.

Top 5 Wireless Telecom Stocks To Invest In Right Now: CalAmp Corp (CAMP)

CalAmp Corp. (CalAmp) develops and markets wireless technology solutions that deliver data, voice and video for critical networked communications and other applications. The Company has two business segments: Wireless DataCom, which serves commercial, industrial and government customers, and Satellite, which focuses on the North American Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) market. In May 2012, CalAmp Corp announced that it has entered into a five-year supply agreement to provide fleet tracking products to Navman Wireless. As part of the transaction, CalAmp has acquired certain products and technologies from Navman Wireless and established a research and development center in Auckland, New Zealand. The assets acquired by CalAmp include technology for Mobile Display Terminals (MDT) and an MDT product line marketed to telematics original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) globally. In March 2013, it completed the acquisition of the operations of Wireless Matrix Corporation.

Wireless DataCom

The Wireless DataCom segment provides wireless technology, products and services for industrial Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Mobile Resource Management (MRM) market segments for a range of applications, including optimizing and automating electricity distribution and ancillary utility functions; facilitating communication and coordination among emergency first-responders; increasing productivity and optimizing activities of mobile workforces; improving management control over valuable remote and mobile assets, and enabling emerging applications in a wirelessly connected world.

The Company's Wireless DataCom segment is comprised of a Wireless Networks business and an MRM business. CalAmp's Wireless Networks business provides products, systems and services to industrial, utility, energy and transportation enterprises and state and local governmental entities for deployment where the ability to communicate with mobile personnel or to command and control remote assets is crucial. Utilities! , oil and gas, mining, railroad and security companies rely on CalAmp products for wireless data communications to and from outlying locations, permitting real-time monitoring, activation and control of remote equipment. Applications include remotely measuring freshwater and wastewater flows, pipeline flow monitoring for oil and gas transport, automated utility meter reading, remote Internet access and perimeter monitoring. CalAmp is among the leaders in the application of wireless communications technology to Smart Grid power distribution automation for electric utilities.

MRM wireless solutions include global positioning system (GPS) location, cellular data modems and programmable events-based notification firmware as key components, allowing customers to know where and how their assets are performing, no matter where those mobile assets are located. Commercial organizations, vehicle finance providers, city and county governments, and a range of other enterprises rely on CalAmp products and systems to optimize delivery of services and protect valuable assets. Applications include fleet management, asset tracking, student and school bus tracking and route optimization, stolen vehicle recovery, remote asset security, remote vehicle start, and machine-to-machine communications. In addition to functioning as an OEM supplier of location and communications hardware for MRM applications, CalAmp is a total solutions provider of turn-key systems incorporating location and communications hardware, cellular airtime and Web-based remote asset management tools and interfaces.

The Company competes with Motorola Solutions, GE-MDS, Freewave, Sierra Wireless, GenX, Spireon, Novatel Wireless-Enfora and Xirgo.


The Satellite segment develops, manufactures and sells DBS outdoor customer premise equipment and whole home video networking devices for digital and high definition satellite television (TV) reception. CalAmp's satellite products are sold primarily to ! EchoStar,! an affiliate of Dish Network.

The Company's DBS reception products are installed at subscriber premises to receive television programming signals transmitted from orbiting satellites. These DBS reception products consist principally of outdoor electronics that receive, process, amplify and switch satellite television signals for distribution over coaxial cable to multiple set-top boxes inside the home that can acquire, recognize and process the signal to create a picture.

The Company competes with Sharp, Wistron NeWeb Corporation, Microelectronics Technology, Pro Brand and Global Invacom.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Jake L'Ecuyer]

    Equities Trading UP
    CalAmp (NASDAQ: CAMP) shot up 14.13 percent to $21.33 after the company reported upbeat fiscal second-quarter results.

    Shares of HomeAway (NASDAQ: AWAY) was up as well, gaining 8.69 percent to $29.88 on speculation of takeover talks with Priceline.com (NASDAQ: PCLN).

  • [By Jason Shubnell]

    Yesterday, CalAmp (NASDAQ: CAMP) issued a downbeat outlook for the fourth quarter.

    CalAmp expected adjusted earnings of $0.19 to $0.23 per share on revenue of $60 million to $63 million. However, analysts were estimating earnings of $0.24 per share on revenue $63.2 million.

Top 5 Wireless Telecom Stocks To Invest In Right Now: Sprint Nextel Corp (S.C)

Sprint Nextel Corporation (Sprint), incorporated on November 15, 1938, is a holding company, with its operations primarily conducted by its subsidiaries. The Company operates in two segments: Wireless and Wireline. Sprint is a communications company offering a range of wireless and wireline communications products and services that are designed to meet the needs of individual consumers, businesses, government subscribers and resellers. Its operations are organized to meet the needs of its targeted subscriber groups through focused communications solutions that incorporate the capabilities of its wireless and wireline services. Its services are provided through its ownership of extensive wireless networks, an all-digital global long distance network. The Company offers wireless and wireline voice and data transmission services to subscribers in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands under the Sprint corporate brand, which includes its retail brands of Sprint, Nextel, Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile, and Assurance Wireless on networks that utilize third generation (3G) code division multiple access (CDMA), integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN), or Internet protocol (IP) technologies. The Company also offers fourth generation (4G) services utilizing Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) technology through its mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) wholesale relationship with Clearwire Corporation and its subsidiary Clearwire Communications LLC (together Clearwire) and, in October 2011, it announced its focus to deploy Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology as part of its network modernization plan, Network Vision. As of October 19, 2012, the Company controls 50.8% interest in Clearwire Corp.


The Company offers wireless services on a postpaid and prepaid payment basis to retail subscribers and also on a wholesale and affiliate basis, which includes the sale of wireless services that utilize the Sprint network but are sold under! the wholesaler's brand. The Company supports the open development of applications, content, and devices on its network platforms through products and services, such as Google Voice, which allows for functionality, such as one phone number for all devices (home, wireless and office), routing calls between devices, and in-call options to switch between devices during a call and Google Wallet, which provides the ability to store loyalty, gift and credit cards, and to tap and pay while the customer shop using their wireless device. The Company has also launched multiple Sprint ID packs that download applications, widgets and other content related to a person's interest at the push of a button. In addition, it enables a variety of business and consumer third-party relationships, through its portfolio of machine-to-machine solutions, which it offers on a retail postpaid and wholesale basis. Its machine-to-machine solutions portfolio provides a secure, real-time and reliable wireless two-way data connection across a range of connected devices, including original equipment manufacturer (OEM) devices and after-market in-vehicle connectivity and electric vehicle charging stations, point-of-sale systems, kiosks and vending machines, asset tracking, digital signage, security, smartgrid utilities, medical equipment and a variety of other consumer electronics and appliances.

The Company offers price plans tailored to business subscribers, such as Business Advantage, which allows for the mix and match plans that include voice, voice and messaging, or voice, messaging and data to meet individual business needs and which also includes its Any Mobile Anytime feature with certain plans. Its prepaid portfolio includes multiple brands, each designed to appeal to specific subscriber segments. Virgin Mobile serves subscribers who are device and data-oriented with Beyond Talk plans and its broadband plan, Broadband2Go, that offer subscribers control and connectivity through various communication vehicles. Assuran! ce Wirele! ss provides eligible subscribers, who meet income requirements or are receiving government assistance, with a free wireless phone and 250 free minutes of local and long distance monthly service. Wireless data communications services include mobile productivity applications, such as Internet access, messaging and email services; wireless photo and video offerings; location-based capabilities, including asset and fleet management, dispatch services and navigation tools, and mobile entertainment applications, including the ability to view live television, listen to satellite radio, download and listen to music, and game play with full-color graphics and polyphonic and real-music sounds from a wireless handset.

Wireless voice communications services include basic local and long distance wireless voice services throughout the United States, as well as voicemail, call waiting, three-way calling, caller identification, directory assistance and call forwarding. It also provides voice and data services to areas in numerous countries outside of the United States through roaming arrangements. It offers customized design, development, implementation and support for wireless services provided to companies and government agencies. Its services are provided using a variety of multi-functional devices, including smartphones, mobile broadband devices, such as air cards and hotspots, and embedded tablets and laptops manufactured by various suppliers for use with its voice and data services. It sells accessories, such as carrying cases, hands-free devices, batteries, battery chargers and other items to subscribers, and it sells devices and accessories to agents and other third-party distributors for resale.

The Company delivers wireless services to subscribers primarily through its existing networks or as a reseller of 4G services through its MVNO wholesale relationship with Clearwire. Its Sprint platform, an all-digital wireless network with spectrum licenses that allows the Company to provide! service ! in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands, uses a single frequency band and a digital spread-spectrum wireless technology, code division multiple access (CDMA), that allows a number of users to access the band by assigning a code to all voice and data bits, sending a scrambled transmission of the encoded bits over the air and reassembling the voice and data into its original format. It provides nationwide service through a combination of operating its own digital network in United States metropolitan areas and rural connecting routes, affiliations under commercial arrangements with third-party affiliates (Affiliates) and roaming on other providers' networks.

The Company markets its postpaid services under the Sprint and Nextel brands. It offers these services on a contract basis typically for one or two-year periods, with services billed on a monthly basis according to the applicable pricing plan. As it deploy Network Vision, it will continue to focus on the Sprint platform postpaid subscriber base, including the migration of existing Nextel platform subscribers to other offerings on its Sprint platform, which includes future offerings on its multi-mode network, such as Sprint Direct Connect. It markets its prepaid services under the Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile, and Assurance Wireless brands as a means to provide value-driven prepaid service plans to particular markets. Its wholesale customers are resellers of its wireless services rather than end-use subscribers and market their products and services using their brands.

The Company competes with AT&T, Verizon Wireless (Verizon), T-Mobile, Metro PCS Communications, Inc., Leap Wireless International, Inc. and TracFone Wireless.


The Company provides a suite of wireline voice and data communications services to other communications companies and targeted business and consumer subscribers. In addition, it provides voice, data and IP communication services to its Wireles! s segment! , and IP and other services to cable Multiple System Operators (MSOs). Cable MSOs resell its local and long distance services and use its back office systems and network assets in support of their telephone service provided over cable facilities primarily to residential end-user subscribers. The Company is a provider of long distance services and operate all-digital global long distance and Tier 1 IP networks.

The Company�� services and products include domestic and international data communications using various protocols such as multiprotocol label switching technologies (MPLS), IP, managed network services, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) and traditional voice services. Its IP services can also be combined with wireless services. Such services include its Sprint Mobile Integration service, which enables a wireless handset to operate as part of a subscriber's wireline voice network, and its DataLinkSM service, which uses its wireless networks to connect a subscriber location into their primarily wireline wide-area IP/MPLS data network.

The Company also provides wholesale voice local and long distance services to cable MSOs, which they offer as part of their bundled service offerings, as well as traditional voice and data services for their enterprise use. The Company also continues to provide voice services to residential consumers. Its Wireline segment markets and sells its services primarily through direct sales representatives. It offers VoIP-based services to business subscribers and transport VoIP-originated traffic for various cable companies.

The Company competes with AT&T, Verizon Communications, CenturyLink and Level 3 Communications, Inc.