Saturday, June 2, 2012

Heightened Reliance on Alleged Government Generosity Promises to End Badly

By John Tamny, Toreador Research and Trading (Guest Contributor)

Addressing a joint session of Congress in 1974, President Gerald Ford made the surprisingly lucid observation that "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have." Were he alive today, Ford might be amused by what's happening in Washington.

Indeed, with companies suffering a sluggish economic climate--despite frequently faulty, but positive, GDP readings--there's a rush among some of our best companies to solve the depressed outlook through the accession of government handouts or favor. Needless to say this heightened reliance on alleged government generosity promises to end badly.

The examples of businesses seeking Washington's favor are many. As a Forbes article noted last November, JPMorgan Chase (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon "visits Washington almost once a month, seeking out politicians on both sides of the aisle." As Dimon put it to colleagues, "We learned a lesson here"--and the lesson was to do a better job of making nice with politicians.

Sadly Dimon is not alone when it comes to spending time in our nation's capital. According to a Wall Street Journal account of Bank of America (BAC) CEO Brian Moynihan's first month on the job, the new bank head "is putting in as much time in Washington as he does in the bank's hometown of Charlotte, N.C."

Last month Jacobs Engineering Group, a Pasadena, Calif.-based aerospace, energy and environmental consulting firm, reported first-quarter profit declines of 38%. Jacobs CEO Craig Martin went on to report that the firm has done "extremely well off the back of stimulus," and that "a number of our government customers were big beneficiaries of stimulus."

And while the government measure of unemployment rate remains in nosebleed territory, lobbyists with political savvy are doing quite well. As USA Today's Fredreka Schouten recently reported, "The lobbying industry is humming along in the nation's capital, even for companies that have shed thousands of jobs in the past year."

ConocoPhillips (COP) laid off nearly 1,300 employees last year, but according to Schouten, it more than doubled its commitment to lobbying activities with spending of $18.1 million in 2009. Drug giant Pfizer (PFE) spent $24.6 million last year vs. $12.2 million in 2008. Already the recipient of $50 billion in government aid, General Motors was able to reduce year-over-year lobbying expenses, but its spokesman Greg Martin told USA Today "We believe we need to have a voice in the overall policy discussion, just as our competitors do."

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., presently a darling among Republicans for his pro-growth policies, has long made known his dislike of the 2009 Obama stimulus plan as a "wasteful spending spree." Nice rhetoric for sure--and as it turns out not very pure. In October 2009 the congressman wrote a letter to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis in favor of a grant application in his district, which, according to Ryan, would "place 1,000 workers in green jobs."

The obvious irony in the effort among private companies to curry favor with cash-wielding politicians is that nothing in life is free. With our elected representatives having no resources of their own to dispose, what they give now must be taken back at some point. In that sense the political class will eventually have to reverse course by implementing taxes to recover the funds they so generously gave away.

In the meantime, however, heavy government spending on politically connected corporations will reduce the wages of individuals working for other, less connected firms in the private sector. Governments can't spend without taxing or borrowing first, so readers should know that companies living relatively high on Washington largesse are able to do so only thanks to reduced pay and employment opportunities for those firms lacking a "Washington strategy."

Worse for the well-connected, it's not just money that politicians will want in return for smoothing their earnings in a time of need. Indeed it's fair to assume that with the spending will come more regulations to achieve non-market outcomes.

We've already seen this among banks, which, as the alleged beneficiaries of TARP funds, have been "asked" by government bureaucrats to change their compensation structures in concert with "voluntary" initiatives to reduce mortgage payments for individuals unable to pay what they're contractually obligated to. Along those same lines GM will almost certainly will be required to manufacture more "green" cars than its customers desire, while Pfizer's future silence when it comes to innovation-inhibiting health care legislation will be bought with near-term money.

At their core regulations and supposedly voluntary government initiatives hamper the sole purpose of companies--the pursuit of profits. No profit means no investment, which means companies that successfully secure Washington help will achieve momentary stability at the expense of their longer-term health.

Indeed with corporate success increasingly a function of political connections as opposed to business skill, the re-orientation of precious capital away from the U.S. version of "crony capitalism" will almost without a doubt bring more economic pain than any near-term difficulties wrought by a weak economy would. In short, companies will eventually pay dearly for hopping into bed with Washington now.

U.S. corporations are scared about the business climate, and with payrolls to meet along with impatient shareholders to please, it's perhaps understandable that they look anywhere and everywhere for an edge, including inside Washington. But as President Ford long ago made clear, a government can give can also take, and for businesses to seek profits in Washington now is for them to enter into the most Faustian of bargains.

About John Tamny:
Mr. Tamny is a senior economic advisor to Toreador Research & Trading, columnist for Forbes and editor of Mr. Tamny frequently writes about the securities markets, along with tax, trade and monetary policy issues that impact those markets for a variety of publications including the Wall Street Journal, National Review and the Washington Times. He’s also a frequent guest on CNBC’s Kudlow & Co. along with the Fox Business Channel.

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