The Dow Jones Industrial Average got pounded again yesterday (Wednesday), sending the blue-chip index down below the 12,000-level and threatening to extend a losing streak that's already six weeks long.
That's the Dow's longest losing streak in more than eight years and it probably has you - like most investors - wondering just where the bottom actually is.
And that's what we want you to tell us.
You see, today (Thursday) marks the start of a new Money Morning contest - which we're calling "Predict the Dow/Win an iPad2."
If you can tell us where the Dow will be when the second quarter closes on June 30, you can qualify to win a free top-of-the-line Apple iPad2 (MSRP $829). No purchase is necessary: To participate in our "Predict the Dow" contest, just go to our official contest site ( Once there, you'll be able to check out all the contest rules and enter.
The deadline for entry is June 26.
The winner will be the first person to correctly predict where the Dow will be when the second quarter ends - or, barring that, will be the person who gets the closest with their guess (in the case of a tie, the person who entered first will be the winner - so there is an incentive to enter early, instead of waiting for the deadline). We'll also be giving away a second iPad2 - with a name drawn from among all the entrants.
So give us your carefully calculated prediction - or even your best guess - of the Dow's second-quarter close.
And have some fun: Make sure to forward the contest to family members and friends - and issue a challenge to see who the real stock-market ace actually is. To enter, please click here.
Will the real "Mr. (or Mrs.) Wall Street" please stand up?
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