Monday, July 23, 2012

Dividend Contenders: 11 Increases Expected By The End Of April

In compiling the Dividend Champions list I get to see which companies are nearing the anniversaries of their previous dividend increases. Since most of these companies raise their payout about the same time every year, I can say with some confidence that they are likely to do so again.

New Opportunities

As mentioned in recent installments in this series, I've modified the schedule to aim for a three- to four-week frequency. Monthly articles allowed some increases to "slip through the cracks" and publishing the listings twice each month seems a tad too frequent, with too many companies carried over and not enough being "checked off," so I hope the current scheduling works better.

I have also modified the Expected Increase series to reflect a more reader-friendly format by separating the Champions, Contenders, and Challengers into distinct groupings, so please look for the other articles, which I hope will be published about the same time.

Based on last year's announcements, I'm expecting the following companies to announce dividend increases between now and the anniversary of the Ex-Dividend Date of their previous increase:

Dividend Contenders (10-24 years):

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